Only thing I think of is that you are boy and I am girl but we are both teenagers with different cultures and lifestyles.
Okay, seriously GmOOnii, it's time to come clean. What the hell is your real age?
Sorry if I sound agitated, but I mean've been extremely.....unstable......about both your age and your gender, but I'm not gonna even think of delving back into the latter of the two. First, you were an average joe, then you come on and say you're a 9 year-old girl, and now you're saying that you're a teenager. Not to mention your profile has you at 30. Seriously, this is very annoying and confusing to everyone who sees you on these forums. We don't know if we're supposed to be talking to someone whose age is close to ours, or a minor. There's a huge difference.'s time to come clean. What the heck is your real age?
Well, there were a few other teenagers on the forums like Cypher
Were? I'm pretty sure I'm still hanging around here from time to time, but give me a minute......I'll go check with myself.
Also, yeah, I'm a teenager, but I'm still considerably older then you guys. Seth, I think you're 14 or 15, GmOOnii, I have no idea how old you are, and as far as the others are concerned, no idea, but judging from the.......maturity.......of their past posts, I'm betting I'm older then them too, though one can never be too sure.