OK. Call me anal but all the gradient silhouettes are driving me nuts. So I decided to make a full set avatar from the Elemental resources we currently have. Please note that Luckmann has added many more avatars to the collection.You can get them below.
NOTE: most of these were created/cropped/edited by folks other than myself, so please give credit where credit is due
Additional Note: There are many more avatars scattered throughout the forum. I just posted the majority of them here. I have tried to include suggested pages to find more avatars by the various avatars if you want to look further. You can also use the "view edits" button if you're very very brave to view all previous versions of this main thread and the images where-in.
OFFICIAL ART AVATARS:(made from the official art of Elemental)
These were formatted by Spartan (me):
The following were formatted by Luckmann: (To provide karma; you can find his posts throughout the forum, especially on page 2 and 3)
(Elemental sub-sets: still by Luckmann)
Elemental Crystal Shards:
Elemental Symbols:
More art variants of 'official art' by Luckmann link: HERE
The following were formatted by landisaurus: (to provide karma; go pretty much to any page after page 2.)
He has also volunteered to make custom edited avatars for people who ask in exchange for karma. just PM him.
(these are kinda odd-ball ones created by Landisaurus using official art.)
More are scattered throughout the forums. Pages 4-7 in particular. They feature things like 'bear cavalry units' art and 'flying shark units' and other in-forum jokes.
The following were formatted by Wintersong: (to provide karma; Wintersong's submissions are mostly on page 8+. Page 8 to spot the first main batch)
*Coming soon*
This OP is under construction. Due to some browsing issues it is being completely reformatted and built from scratch. There are other user avatars and lots of additional avatars that are supposed to be here in the OP. Jalicos (page: 15) and eplekogen (page: 5) come to mind right away. They should have avatars in this OP soon. Of course wintersong has tons of avatars scattered throughout the web. its a work in progress tracking them down and sorting into 'official art' and 'unofficial art' especially since some of the old 'official' art did not match the current style as well as others.
We are busy people though, and editing this takes more time than one might think.
Unofficial art Avatars: (also coming soon... there are tons in the "view edits" below that should be resurrected up here soon)(these were not made with Elemental Art, but were inspired by Elemental: War of Magic and/or similar works)
OK. Big huge update done. Again I'm very sorry for the delay guys. - Karma given of course!
thanks for the effort!
I always do my best. Recently getting stuff done has been at a snails pace to be sure due to RL obligations however.
Because some old habits should remain habits...
Yay for double post!
Custom Unit Edition:
Christmas Sillies Edition:
Grabbed one of your landisaraus, till I make my own. +1 Karma to ya
you're always welcome. (though I'm not seeing it yet )
Do you see it now?
yes I do.
edit: Somebody else totally grabbed my avatar. I may want to ask you spartan not to have a direct link to my current avatar up just so people can't do that. (the guy didn't even give me karma for it. He just used it)
Thanks for the Avatar, looks better than the one I slapped together.
I'm trying to use some of the great avatars from here but keep getting messages on all I try that they exceed the size requirements?
Some of these are awesome. I decided on some crystal - I don't know what the etiquette around this is - there's near 400 posts on this thread so checking if someone already claimed it is a bit laborious. Let me know if there's something I ought to do apart from saying thanks!
And here it is then:
No worries, we always like hearing people say thanks.
I like the Crests.
So I made some new avatars. Straight from the game resources.
Edit: And some customs.
Edit II: Stole this right off Wintersong to see how long it takes for him to notice. Also because I got inspired. And the fact that I'm a thief. Don't hog it unless Wintersong says it's up for grabs. Or.. you know.. if you're a thief.
Edit III: Up for grabs.
Sweet savory Save Picture As...!
That's a lot of avatars. There's enough art assets here to make a veritable collectible pog-type game! Way to go guys!
I feel honored that I/it could inspire someone. And why would I be against people using it?
But meh, it's not like you'll keep an avatar longer than 48 hours.
And I don't mind avatar clones and/or offshoots. The nick above the avatar is still "unique".
The nickname is weaksauce!
I will be unapologeticly double-posting in this thread once in a while to "bump" it, instead of silently editing previous posts, allowing new stuff to go unnoticed.
As always, all my avatars are completely up for grabs.
Edit: I also want to stress that I'm mostly just playing with Elemental art assets. Very little of this is actually original work by me in any way whatsoever.
Is uploading an avatar a site issue ? Won't work !
If updating Flash (if needed) doesn't fix it, try to contact one of the mods and I'm sure they'll help you.
If it's the same problem as last year then upload through IE. I'll assume you were trying through Firefox, Chrome, or Opera originally.
Why am I here bumping this old topic? Because Elemental wants square avatars. Doesn't look right in-game with this hot round avatar I have at the moment.. So, I'm looking for a new one.
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