Just spent an evening messing round over on www.kongregate.com Its a load of browser games that amused me. I usually end up when searching for elemental ending up on http://www.novelconcepts.co.uk/FlashElementTD/ a flash tower game which I'm very very addicted to. No good at - but utterly addicted =P
Any one know any thing about writting these sort of games? Did some reading over on kongregate, they are recommending Adobe Flash - CS3 with ActionScript to write these things. Any one got any experience of writting them? I know you can do Java games in a browser as well as some php cleverness. I wouldn't mind having a go. Work wise I know a bit of perl and generic unix stuff and wouldn't mind giving it a bash - so I ain't a code virgin. I'll probably use an old Linux machine I've got somewhere so I ain't paying for software - and I'll see if I can find a Flash Game Programming For Dummies at the library. But is this the way to go? Why not Java? Anyone know any good sites for it?