since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for not banning the bombardier to pilot. Red Baron would like that though.
banned for not cursing the Red Baron
Banned for fearing the Reds.
banned by the Blues
Banned for no time for singing the blues now. Gotta make some coffee. And
Banned for OH-IO.
banned for over emphasis
Banned for traveling under guise of an alien.
{not you The Ryat }
banned for posting less than a minute after me
Banned for and more than once. But, I'm usually first.
banned for wanting to be first
BANNEDED! Cause the B and A am jealous. No BBAA........
Well, that's not your fault.
banned for not banning again
Banned for assuming I wanted 2.
banned for not following the rules
you rebel you
Banned for aiding the rebel scum.
Banned for not being there.
Banned, for being clingly.
Banned for excluding Kling
Banned for static cling, boo. Kling Ons, yay.
Uranus is gassy ban.
Banned for asinine gas.
Banned for gas going down the dust pipe, oh yeah... comes from canned heat, ya know !
Banned for pork and beans in a can.
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