Thank you all for the Karma love, I am really glad people enjoy this site I've spent a lot of time on it so it's nice to be appreciated 
Ya chain lighting is 3,5,7,10 targets (per rank)
I must have missed that, entering abilities is fairly monotonous I just copy and paste a whole deal heh. This has been fixed up.
Wow, this is great. Everything seems to work great. What's it mean when you say you 'sprited' the images?
Is it possible to implement a reverse of the ability sell when Shift or something is held, so you can select an ability and auto-select its dependencies?
Dependencies act a little weirdly I will take a look at how hard this will be to do, my main concern is how to notify the user that holding down shift will do anything.
Spriting the images is a little trick where you get all the icons and put them into 1 large image, then crop that image in the browser rather than having lots of little images. I did this a while ago, it was probably not needed it just means the site only has to ask the server for 1 file instead of 20 which speeds up the page load a bit and reduces server stress.
There's a typo for torch bearer on his deep freeze ability. Last paragraph - "... deep freeze consumers each effect..." should be "... deep freeze consumes each effect."
I've fixed that up now thanks, typos are hard to catch because the stupid human brain is too good at adapting to them that I don't even see them 
lol is it bad that I take King of the Minotaurs and usually only keep monks and occasionally demolishers on the field?
This makes sense I suppose however the site is fairly limited in its technical capabilities, it's not an entire simulator of the game. I will have to leave this default assumption in, or remove it all together, I am hoping to implement idols to the store and the functionality for abilities to see what other abilities are available in order to be able to go "King of Minotaurs I, looks up what idols you have, then applies the given effects" The problem is that the game is entirely written so that everything can be customized and such, the site is quite generic so that I can just use a template for each skill and then just fill in numbers.sprite