You can get version 1.80 HERE.
** 1.8 BUG-WATCHERS: BlackRainZ, EviliroN, thionoxial, dopeydave, awuffleablehedgie
- Fixed the Earth sword ability so Min != Max damage (causing a crash)
- Fixed the Air staff ability so Min != Max damage (causing a crash)
- Verified that Forbidden Research tooltip says +100% research and matches actual effect
- Changed sword of Hate Lifesteal to lower, but irresistable damage, since Lifesteal wasn't working
- Removed Unholy mana from Holy Temples
- Added Holy Mana
- Added the Holy Temple for Kingdom players
- Fixed the calculation for Purge (holy spell)
- NOTE: There are some things that are happening with accuracy that appear to be issues with 1.08 that will likely be addressed by SD.
** 1.7: Updated to work with Elemental 1.08. All spells and abilities in the mod have been rewritten to use the new Min/Max damage scaling. I'll include the details in this email as soon as I can, but until then, you can find them in the new link!

Sovereign (Fire/Earth/Air/Water/Unholy) Mana Talents
I added these 20 point talents to allow me to test out other elements of the mod and decided to leave them in for those who want to use them. They may or may not be "balanced." Each of these talents allows your sovereign to "act like" a shard of the appropriate element.

Leadership Talents / Training
The idea here is that your leader (or a champion, if he buys the training from the items shop), can direct other units in combat to greater effect. During Sov creation, they are available as 4 talents: Bold, Brilliant, Daring and Inspiring Leader. They are based on Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity and Charisma respectively. In the items shop, they are available as items with "Tactics" instead of "Leader."
Special training for units
These "items" you can add to units in the designer allow you to give them special abilities.
- Herbalist training: Gives the unit a healing ability that scales with its unit size
- Assassin training: Give the unit a short ranged damage/weaken ability based on Attack
Holy Spellbook
- Purge: Divine power blasts down, purging those who oppose you. INT/2 Damage
- Blessed Mending: Target friendly unit regains INT / 4 HP * Troop Size.
- Summon Avatar: Summon an incarnation of holy might to punish your enemies.
- City of Light: Divine light flickers along every street, drawing refugees from near and far. +1 Prestige, +1 Diplomatic Capital.
- Miraculous Bounty: COSTS 5 ESSENCE. Target empty tile in your territory blooms with life. Creates a fertile ground resource
- Pacifism: Target enemy or ally unit loses 1 turn, applies their Attack bonus to their Defense for 1 turn, setting Attack to 0.
- Sacred Resurgence: Blessed power infuses all units in the target tile. They gain (INT/5 * Troop Size) health regeneration a turn for 5 turns.
Unholy Spellbook
- Blood Bolt: You enchant your own blood to blast toward your target carrying a deadly curse. INT/2 Damage, +10%/Unholy
- Dark Transformation: -10% health, +10% ignore defense, +10% double strike. The unit is warped by dark energy, sprouting swift, piercing claws.
- Summon Felbeast: Summon an incarnation of dark power to serve your cause
- Forbidden Research: The top minds in your city turn to dark, twisted research methods. -1 Prestige, +30% Arcane Tech
- Wind of Decay: You exhale a dark wind that washes over your foes, leaving them crippled. INT/2 damage, -50% Defense for 1 turn
- Terrorize: Target unit quakes in fear as dark visions assault them. They are unable to counterattack for the remainder of the combat
- Shadow Form: Target unit gains the ability to transform into living shadow. +20% dodge change, gain Blink ability.
- Depravity: Target unit is filled with an uncontrollable bloodlust and attacks itself visciously based on caster INT and target's ATK
- Necropolis: Surrounds target friendly city in a (visible in-game) wall of bones.

Elemental/Unholy Mounts
These are available for Sovereign/Champion/Units when you research your mounted combat tech:
- All of these require you have one Shard (or unholy temple) before you can train units with them
- Saddled Felbeast: +1 Combat/Overland speed, +2 Attack
- Saddled Firebeast: +1 Combat/Overland speed, +30% counterattack damage
- Saddled Earthbeast: +1 Combat/Overland speed, +2 Constitution
- Saddled Waterbeast: +1 Combat/Overland speed, +10% dodge
- Saddled Windspirit: +1 Combat speed, +2 overland speed
Elemental Vestments
These are the robes worn by those little people who stand around all day and stare at your shards. In game terms, I've provided 4 robes that represent the "profession" of Fire, Earth, Air, or Water "Priest/Monk/Cleric/Fanboy." They provide the unit (which can be your Sovereign) with a "Blessing of X" (tactical) ability that scales in power with the number of shards (of that element) you control.
The robes provide 2 Essence to the unit, and the blessings cost 1 mana per cast. They target a single friendly unit at any distance, and currently last 2 turns.
- All of these unlock when you research Shard Harvesting (for your faction)
- Vestment of Fire; provides ability "Blessing of Fire:" Target unit gains +5 Attack/Shard, +10 Morale/Shard
- Vestment of Earth; provides ability "Blessing of Stone:" Target unit gains +5 Defense/Shard and +3 Attack/Shard
- Vestment of Water; provides ability "Blessing of Water:" Target unit gains +5 Health Regen/Shard for 2 turns
- Vestment of Air; provides ability "Blessing of Wind:" Target unit gains +15% Change to dodge/Shard
Elemental Essences
These are four special items you can give your units/champions that grant them tactical combat abilities.
- Essence of Fire grants "Fire Breath"
- Essence of Earth grants "Rain of Stone"
- Essence of Water grants "Drowning Strike"
- Essence of Air grants "Hurricane"
Elemental Bows
These are four items, available when you research your race's version of Advanced Archery, that grant your units a ranged attack with a (brand new) elemental effect. Right now, they do the same damage as a longbow, but I'll be adding specialized effects in the next update.
Elemental Swords
I've added a sword for each element. They are available for each race in the cutting weapons line of research. Each weapon grants a "once per tactical combat" ability to the unit that performs a special attack against an adjacent opponent. The (defendable) damage for the weapon is based on the unit's attack strength, but it's enhanced by 25% for each shard you control.
- Flame-Forged Sword (Burning Strike): ATTACK based damage with ongoing 1 damage + .25 damage per unit size. Damage increased by Fire Shards
- Pure Metal Sword (Crumbling Strike): ATTACK based damage that reduces target's defense by 25% + 2% per unit size. Damage increased by Earth Shards
- Frostbitten Blade (Frozen Strike): ATTACK based damage that numbs a unit, preventing it from counterattacking for 1 turn. Damage increased by Water Shards
- Stormwrought Blade (Storm Strike): ATTACK based damage. Pushes target back 1 square + .25 per unit size. Damage increased by Air Shards
- Hate-forged Blade (Profane Strike): ATTACK based damage that reduces target's morale by 10 + 2 per unit size. Damage increased by Unholy Mana
Magical Combat Staves
I hate giving my wizard lord a bow or sword to make him effective in combat. I want him to feel cool right from the get-go. To this end, I added 5 magical staves, each that gives the wielder a (tactical) ranged, INT based attack that costs 2 mana and +3 Essence. The effects of each scale based on the number of shards of the appropriate element you control. Your sovereign can pick one when he's created. They unlock for hero units in the shop when you research Shard Harvesting.
Fire Staff: 50% INT damage, +25% per Fire Shard
Earth Staff: 30% INT damage +25% per Earth Shard, -5 Defense
Water Staff: 30% INT damage +25% per Water Shard, CombatSpeed set to 1 for 1 turn
Air Staff: 30% INT damage +25% per Air Shard, 60% chance to lose next turn
Death Staff: 30% INT Life Steal +25% per any Shard
Unholy Mana / Temples
I've added a new type of mana, Unholy Mana. You generate this mana from a sovereign talent or by building "Unholy Temple" improvements in your cities. Right now, they're dirt cheap for testing. They give your Death Staff (above) a 10% bonus to damage for each temple built, and they allow you to recruit "Death Wargs." I'll be doing a balancing pass on these at some point soon.
Please let me know about any gross errors you find in the mod!
Also, if anyone wants to submit better flavor text, I'll be happy to shuffle it all in.
Installing this mod
1. In the Options screen, find the "Use Mods" option, and make sure it's checked.
2. Close out of the game.
3. On a 32 bit machine, you'll unzip the files to C:\Program Files\Stardock Games\Elemental\Mods. On a 64 bit machine, they’ll go in C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock Games\Elemental\Mods. You may have to create the Mods directory manually.
4. I originally believed the files in the "Icons" folder went in your Mods\Icons directory. xStarfirex has reported that placing them in ...\Mods\Gfx\items worked instead. alborrelli reported that this should be \Elemental\Gfx\Items.
** Unfortunately, I don't have another machine without my mod files in the "Units" folder, so it's difficult to know exactly what you'll need to do differently. If none of these work, post a quick note and we'll try and help you out!
Happy modding,