Hey i put the AI on the lowest difficluty and they seem to always be stronger then me. With units and everything. Is there a way to dumb them up more then on Novice?
AI has recently been made a good bit more intelligent in general. The artificial limiting of this is I guess not adequately implemented yet.
I do believe you just made Frogboy's day.
Yeah it would be nice i dont stand a chance. I mean the lowest setting should be pretty dumb AI considering all the other choices.
I would find it difficult too if I could not wring such an advantage from tactical combat. I truly find challenging level to be challenging.
Maybe if the AI is good enough, it would be time to star lowering the stat and other advantages it gets * BTW haven't updated as of yet
At the lowest difficulty, I'm pretty sure the AI doesn't get any advantages.
just to make sure, which difficulty did you change? world diff or individual AI diff?
If you're finding the AI to be challenging, I'm curious if you've researched Heavy Armor and Slicing Weapons? I have found if you research those along with squads, it's nearly impossible to be beat (once you have some metal, of course).
I lowered the indivdual AI difficulty.
what is the lowest ai setting.
AI needs to be dumbed up for lower settings. Novice should be EASY! Right now this game is to damned hard.
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