I really enjoy designer journals, and Stardock generally does a great job with these. It has been a few weeks since the last one.
I'd really like to see the following journals:
1) FE Strategic Layer. We have seen lots of talk so far on units, equipment, champions, magic, and the game world. That covers about 2.5 of the 3 stated focus areas of FE, with magic and the world covered, and tactical combat partly discussed through talk of the units and equipment. I'd like the next journal to talk through how empires, cities, and whatnot will be handled. What is changing from WoM? What is staying the same? We know that some things like dynasties are going away. What else is? How will the often changed, much maligned population / food / prestige dynamic work in FE? Any changes to trade? How about diplomacy? A journal that covers some of these issues would be interesting, and is really needed since there are still lots of issues with the strategic level of WoM, although Brad has been working hard an experimenting with different solutions.
2) FE Tactical Combat: I'd like a full journal just on this topic. Show us how the new initiative system plays out. Show us how the changes to stats work. Basically, take us to the next logical step since we have seen units, equipment, and champions. Show us how they will work in practice.
3) WoM 1.4: Brad has done a nice job keeping us informed on his thoughts and progress. I have argued that we should just move past WoM and focus on FE, but Brad has assured us that his work with WoM isn't going to hurt FE. Ok. So where do we stand now with 1.4? There have been some good threads on the subject of 1.3 and where we would like to see things go with 1.4 I'd like an updated journal on this so we can get an idea of where things are going.