My biggest problem playing muti-player is, wait for it..... TIME!
When I played mulit I didn't mind getting beheaded. And I learned a lot. But the big problem is time. I have kids. Who don't wait to pee, eat, read me a story and my favorite "She keeps spitting on me!" These all require near instant response times. So rather than get all crazy with them when I play anything, unless they are asleep (and I have pulled all nighters and really felt stupid the next day dragging my sorry butt around just wishing I wasn't so stupid) I only play games I can pause or just quit.
Other than that I assume performance anxiety is a big problem. You don't mind when a cpu makes you look stupid in secret all alone in your fortress of solitude but in front of other people it gives one pause.
You know how on Battlenet so many knuckleheads just want to six pool, canon rush or bunker rush? Is there an equivalent in Sins? I don't know. But if there is stop it. Unless you're playing with friends you're just going to drive new players off the server.
So let's "lighten up" and enjoy each other and our time online. Older more experienced players slow your "little rascals" down and help the younger players. You may just make some friends (or find someone to help you up off the floor when you break a hip).
Public Service Announcement:
Go to download the Sacrifice of Angels 2 mod if you love Star Trek.
And never forget Wolf 359!