TEC Loyalist Campaign
-For those of you who do not know me I go about in sins and make my own scenarios(quality missions since 2008) because (let us be honest here) there is no campaign thus to make sins a bit more entraining I’ve always made my own campaign and the following is a SAMPLE. If this receives positive comments I shall keep posting my own Campaign and if not oh well I will still play my own Campaign but without you. I’m bad at grammar and spelling so if you see something wrong to the point you don't understand tell me and I’ll fix it-
-Part 1 Divisions difficulty average-
-Mission one: Divisions
Set up: One galaxy Star-blue 3-desert 3-moons 3-roids random 2-spacejunks 1-pirate AI-Normal defensive (rebels)nonteam member Quick start-no Pirates active-yes speed-whatever you want Teams:LOCKED
UNLOCKED: Corsev Battlecruiser
EDIT: unlocked refers to the fact that this is the new rebellion feature that you will be allowed to use for this mission and the rest of the campaign. You can go throught and get everything else but that would be cheating :/ function on the honor system people
Briefing: During the Great War this area sector was the last stand of the Juebis Flotilla {(Sins vanilla) a segmentation of the TEC who were devote space traders and a religious movement. There beliefs didn’t allow them to set foot upon planets. During the Vasari occupation they skillful moved goods to resistance movements the Vasari tracked them down and preceded to slaughter them in a series of traps (my entrenchment Campaign) } and in recent years this sector has been colonized by a group known as the Minidon who escaped from the core worlds during the most brutish parts of the Occupation and now use the salvage of the Jubis Flotilla as a source of income to passing traders of ill repute. In the recent weeks their colony has stopped all signals and trade to their sector core world natural this puts the high command and I on guard as this could be a reemergence of Cenobite Lauran as it follows her methods of operation or any number of old/new threats of this sector ((sins diplomacy) Cenobite Lauran was a member of the advent that took advantage of several TEC populations desperation and created her own faction of followers) If an enemy has indeed come to this system capture a ship any information that can be garnered what greately help in any battles to come we cannot afford to lose any more humanity then we already have.
-Commander Teseling
-all that needed to be said on this current beta has been said so I thought might as well have some fun
as always GLHF-