Oh yes, it's on! Age of Wonders 3 has been officially announced, and it's coming THIS year!
It's so beautiful, almost brought a tear to my eye But they could have just shown the last 20 seconds for all I care, the tune at 1:28 brought me right back to when I first played AoW, almost 14 years ago.
The main new feature seems to be the class system for your leader. Your leader is no longer just a wizard, he/she can be a warlord, a theocrat, a rogue, a sorcerer, a technocrat, or an arch-druid. The class will have a strong influence on the development of your empire.
Tactical combat has also changed a bit, flanking will be possible, and units can have more than one soldier in them.
Not to gloat or anything, but this could totally blow FE out of the water I think.
Some more eye candy:
Is it fall yet?