If you want to deny something exists you can come up with all sorts of crackpot theories.
I don't need crackpot theories to discredit global warming/climate change.... the idiots who keep moving the goal posts with the original global warming theory are doing a fine enough job on their own. I mean, first it was global warming, but when real data didn't support that theory anymore, it was conveniently changed to climate change so's greedy corporations and governments could continue money grubbing in the name of saving the planet. The emphasis was still on a warming planet, however.... until actual data started coming in to suggest that the planet may in fact be cooling and another ice age may be imminent.
Seems to me that the whole climate change thing is in tatters, with more and more people becoming skeptical and disbelieving of it all.... with evidence to support recurring natural events that have been occurring for centuries. There were severe droughts and flooding back in Moses' day... and I'm sure they were all releasing cubic tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And yeah, when the subject comes up these days, I'm hearing people who were once believers calling the whole facade a money grubbing exercise by the powers that be.... and that's exactly what it is.
The only way they've maintained the charade this long is by doctoring the temperature record to show past temperatures to be significantly lower than they were
So that's why various non-medical scientists are called doctors. And it answers a lot of unanswered questions....except for how long they've been pulling the wool over our eyes on various things.
I mean, are we absolutely certain space is out there.... and we're not residing on a giant bauble hanging from a humongous being's Xmas tree.