Here's the problem:
You'll notice that the "smooth line" movement in GC2 is actually almost always a hockey-stick path - one long side followed by a 45 degree turn and a shorter side. Which, actually, while numerically identical to the actual straight line path in terms of squares crossed, can very significantly deviate from the "true" straight line path.
Now, with hexes, it's much easier to approach the true straight line path, but the cost is that the "smooth" movement via hexes (i.e. lots of straight lines hexes, followed by a 60 degree turn, and lots of more straight line hex movement) is now noticeably different in the absolutely number of hexes traveled than the "squiggly line" true path.
The issue here is that if you decide to ignore the actual hexes during the move, how do you:
1. decide which hexes you've actually moved through (which is important for vision and terrain issues)
2. draw some sort of a bezier curve path with minimal inflection points to produce that "smooth" movement
We've been saying "just fix it", but, now that I think about it, it's much harder than I think any of us anticipated. That said, I am of the camp that says "burn the man-hours to find a reasonable solution", because the squiggly movement does detract significantly from the presentation.
But I still prefer hexes to squares.