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You know what I really think? Skinning is a community, and as such we should all support each other and treat each other with respect.
And it's how things once were, not too long ago.
I have often felt subject to low ratings because of things I say or because I don't have a gang at wc.I have been told to watch what I say often, and others say what they like.
And it's how things have become.
I think a lot of people (more than would admit ) have gotten caught up in the so called clicks and politics of the site, no matter how real or imaginary they may seem or are, including myself (I'm ashamed to say). It's one of the things that diminished my input and participation and now it;s just my excuse for lurking in the background.
That said, if I may quote someone (and not to be cute or funny) But as a Mr. Costanza once said " I gotta a lot of problems with you people!" I'm sure it goes both ways as well.
There are people here who get a bad rap (some a hell of a lot worse than others) for crap that has absolutely NOTHING to with skinning, the site, or the price of tea in China and they take a lot of shit for it openly AND behind the scenes...but MOSTLY behind the scenes. It's the insecure cowards and idiots who would just feed and keep that pile of burning garbage and tires going by throwing more fuel on it that encourage and do things like drive-by ratings and the like. And it's a goddamn shame.
It's amazing how easy and quickly we can judge a person on anything we want AND have a LOT to say about it in PM's, emails, messenger, and all to anyone who will listen...but don't have the fucking nerve to post a simple comment on the skin that person has made. Just click that one star and run away.
Some of the folks that are getting beat up are people that would (AND have) given the shirts off their backs to other members here and probably would for the ones bashing them behind the scenes or behind their backs because that is just the tyoe of people they are and they don't know how to be any other way...despite what some people would try and have other people believe.
I've been on both sides of it. It's funny, when you have actually been on both sides, how much easier it can be to be the coward or the idiot than to be the giver and the good example. It's easy to get caught up in the hen party's and bullshit. It takes a real human being to reach out and pull someone up , dust them off, and give them a little time, friendship, compassion, etc....even when you've heard all the bullshit being said in the background about them or when you have nothing to gain and something to lose.
So, IMHO, we all (and by 'all' I mean 'we/you know who we/you are') just need to get over ourselves. Life is too fucking short and real friends are too fucking scarce.