I don't believe that any skin gets a higher rating than 3 stars. Any skin I upload gets automatically 3 stars and it's up to users to rate it up or down. The only exception would be masterskins which if memory serves get an auto 5 stars.
or how some of us see these as 3 stars being 6 and 5 stars being 10, since the star ratings have half star increments. I can see how I was confused by the DT comments if he's saying 3 stars. I had to look at his gallery and only saw one low rating for a wall way back when, which got me more confused.
Myself, I have no issue starting out with 6 (3) stars. If they go up, great and if they go down, bummer.
Although when I re-uploaded some deleted blinds they came back in with 5 (2 1/2) stars instead of the usual 6 (3) that they originally came in with. Must have lost a 1/2 star for the mods having to look at them twice, who knows.
Although I think it's not a good thing to leave on a down note but if you got to go, then see ya.
neither a co-dependent nor enabler be, my Uncle Bob used to say.