Hello. I'm a fellow gamer, passionate about games and fantasy worlds.
I'm also the writer of the (main, visible) bad review. I'm also known as (quoting the toxic comments from here, and Brad's comments from steam forums):
Toxic, douchbag, idiot, heckler, bully, troll, grognard, impolite and unkind. It hurts, but I can understand the passionate response and I don't blame you for being emotive. I forgive you any slight against me, I'm sure it's not quite as personal as it sounds.
That being said... I'd much rather people attacked my words than my person. Or commented to my face and not snidely and behind my back. A review is intended for other potential customers, not existing fans or as a pat on the back for developers. It should be an honest opinion, with each opinion having equal weight. 1 person, 1 vote that sort of thing. I should be massively drowned out by the wave of glowing reviews, all games get a handful of bad reviews from time to time.
Instead I find my review locked for being insulting, attacks against my person and a string of insults rather than a defence of the game and arguments against my words. Show your support for the game on steam if you are so moved. Argue your case and stand-up for the Devs if that's your passion. But hiding here and swearing at me isn't doing the game any good. You aren't being supportive of the Devs by posting here instead of steam. The steam forums reach a larger audience. Being silent there hurts the Devs, those that supported frogboy heed my questions:
Where are your glowing reviews? Where is your defence of the arguments on steam? Are you actually supporting the devs by calling me names? Is that really helpful?
I don't think Brad is the best person at PR. (Understatement) But I don't think he's evil either, I want to be able to update my review, to change it and eventually for it to become positive when the game wins me over with entertaining surprises. But I can't do that while it's blocked. It is intended for new people, not die-hard fans. It should be seen as a comparison with other games, like Endless Legend or Worlds of Magic.
So I ask you, is it currently worth more than those games? If you think it is, by all means say that in your review. I don't think Brad will block your review for such unhelpful, unconstructive comments. "I like it" has 0 points for being constructive, but it's valid and could help potential buyers. So post it if you're that angry.
(Also, I'm glad that Stardock is now clearly explained as being a steam curator, but I think the FfH group by Kael needs to be more clear or remove games that he's involved with to avoid confusion. I really hope none of the normal reviews are from members of Stardock, otherwise that would be a PR nightmare when it's discovered, and nothing remains secret forever.)
(p.s. I didn't make a new account to post here. My account is years old, I've posted over the years but moved on to other games and different communities because I felt the Devs didn't listen, or like anything but yes-men to post.)
Further, feel free to browse posts I've made. Lots of suggestions, mostly 4+ years ago. Quite a decent Karma:Post ratio that I'm proud of. I have one other post critical of Frogboy's PR - his attack on bad reviews of Elemental describing them thusly:
"The only thing that really frustrates us (and honestly is making my team less interested in reading the forums) are reading posts by people who don't have any idea what is involved in game development...they really have no idea what they're talking about...negative buzz by non-technical people"
This isn't new, it's history repeating itself and the link is Brad, not me, not un-technical idiots, trolls or douchebags. I don't think Frogboy should be giving interviews so carelessly, or posting and inciting hatred. It is very bad PR that hurts a good team of developers. If you're reading, run your words past someone first, speaking off-the-cuff is all well and good, but you need to be civil when doing so. You have a reputation to uphold. Also don't allow or encourage hostility or personal attacks on the forums, it makes them a very unfriendly place to visit and drives all but the die-hard fans away. It scares people, rightly so.