Tried to play the SP campaign. Either I'm missing something or it's too broken to be playable.
- Several times maps have been all but barren with barely enough to keep one HQ running, let alone several. Ends up being a diceroll as to who gets the resource that ends up being worth anything; everyone else may as well give up immediately.
- Lost count the number of times I've 'won' a Pirate auction only to see them raiding my own supply lines seconds later by AI placement.
- I'm being chain-EMP'd and Dynamited by something (presumably the AI) and yet the cost for EMPs and Dynamite isn't going up on the black market. Where are they coming from?
- I can start a map and immediately quit a map and still have it count as a Win.
- The UI in SP campaign is something of a mess; cluttered, tiny icons with numbers obscuring what they are.
- I get bought out by Scavenger AI inside of 12 minutes and yet the tooltip states that they'd never had more than $5,000 liquid funds and all of the resources they were collecting weren't worth much at all at the time.
- The game ends instantly for no given reason, when moments earlier I'd checked that the Colony had at least 5 population.
I'm getting the impression that there's still a vast amount of work that needs to be done to make the campaign progress logically and transparently, i.e., to give the player even the faintest sliver of feedback about what's going on.
I know, I know: early access.