When i new about this game i was think ok let me see what everyone is talk about.
Honastly i wasnt expect what i find ,im big fan of TA SCFA series, and the new RTS evolution free play.
Was a bit with stepback, cant say nothing for now, bec we dont now yet, how ashes of the singularity will evolve us,but so far i feel i found the right game again after Forged aliance,planetary anhilation and RTS evolution.
Its not like we want a exact copy of Supreeme commander because that wont fit well ,but we want a total new ideas fit in same gameplay style .
With new technologies that they are using now, i think we cant imagine the full power they are think to this game .
Ui ,new units to all kind tastes ,new Micromanage eco system,new balance system,new flowfield.
Im see on this game ,what many RTS players are waiting so loong.
Biiig epic battles that will embereced all rts right now.
But also im think in get Servo that im like