I ask because I imagine having all of the feedback and little bugs mixed in with tech support could be a real issue, but I can't seem to find an alternative forum section for them. Where should I place them?
Would the dev team ever consider a public issue tracker ala ArmA's use of their 'DevHeaven' platform? (https://dev.withsix.com/projects/cis) There were so many little bugs that the community could enter directly into the tracker - it enabled a level of interaction and a volume of input that I think would otherwise be difficult, and allowed the community to see if people agreed / the devs noticed.
(Hell, I logged some issues/suggestions that made it in to the final game and remain there to this day - better covering fire / bounding overwatch for infantry, and more consistent landing orientation for helicopters. These would've been lost in a forum, but are definite 'improvements' albeit rather small).
This would also make it possible to log lots of individual, independent issues - on a forum I imagine it'd be encouraged to submit multiple bugs in one post, but I may well discover them as I go, requiring lots of edits to the original post and making it all hard to track.
It's just a thought - I want to submit quite a volume of UX, UI, and tech feedback over time, but don't have any real way to do it.