Quoting minidump-hellboy,
I am a founder. And they aren't DOING WHAT IM TELLING THEM TO DO. Like every other RTS ever made. CLICK TO ZOOM. ITS NOT A HARD CONCEPT.
I'm giving feedback. Navigating the map is a horror show. Trying to issue move orders in the heat of battle is another horror show. Feedback given. I paid my money, I'm going to say what I want. I don't have time to pull up a stragegic map when I'm trying to control engineers and battlegroups in real time.
It's stupid to have a map to navigate. You guys gotta stop kissing ass and demand they improve the game.
Firstly, we are not "kissing ass" as you say, we understand the development process of a game, we know the devs and community are working hard to make this game a reality. As soon as its allowed I'll be streaming the game on twitch to promote it, partly because I have a vested interest, £65, in it being released. Plus I like the game...its the RTS we've been waiting for since Supreme commander. However, the more investors we have, the money there is for more development.
Yes, you are a founder too, but there is a right and wrong way to ask for changes. You've backed a game and can play it before release, like an investor in a project. If the game was making no progress and was months or years past its release date you my have justification to vent your frustration. But it isn't behind schedule and has not missed its release date.
So please, make your points regarding the map and zooming, suggest what you'l like, in a constructive and none aggressive manner.
Personally, I hope that the zoom is made more like supreme commander, if that is possible, however map navigation is quite manageable at present and I love the unit display, which flashes when a unit is under fire, allowing me to focus on that.
Its quite possible the devs will come up with something quite unique, only time will tell.
However, making posts such as this will only antagonize devs and founders alike, you need to watch you step.