Thank you Frogboy for this awesome image. i do like a lot this zoom out image and you can do so many thing with it, you can add a lot of info
let me show you 2 small examples of how may it look if you add units heat signature.
in the first map you just have dots.
bigger dots are T3 then come T2 and the smallest ones are T1 units, the idea is that when you start a war the units who are fighting will start glowing, i couldn't add the glow to it because i got lazy. sorry.
while the second example is:
in here we have some kind of heat signatures,, when you see the armies fighting each other then you see them glowing.
Those are just examples. there is no on screen information about the size of the units, just think about it, if you go ahead and add the unit info in the left side of the screen ala Sins, it will be interesting.
having all that i am sure you will forget about the unit speed.
its not about playing using this zoom, its about getting the info of the whole battlefield, when you see or want to do something in a specific location just go ahead and zoom back in and start moving your units or building.
I want to add a last image on how it may look when you bring your mouse on top of a heat signature armies battling or when you click on this army then you get a white color around what your looking for then the info will appear on the left side of the screen.
Guys remember this is just my personal idea. i hope i will get some good comments from everyone.
EDIT 2: Sorry about the images not expanding, i have no idea why it never work for me, i am so frustrated by that.
I added a direct link to the image for now the best way is to open link in new Tab.