This is a rant. Been with you since beta 1 offering feedback. You released with a bunch of missing gameplay features and have been playing catchup. You are catching up, I will give you that. But you are catching up to pre-release promises. Still no star base governors. Still requesting the most expensive constructor. Still no invasion visualization. Meanwhile you are working hard on DLC and expansions, i.e. the cha-ching, while neglecting some core UI issues.
For example:
Why can we not change focus on the Colonies grid like we could in GalCiv 2? Why can't we do it from the planet list on the main screen, for that matter?
Why are there no sorts and filters in the shipyard? Why is there no multi-select for the obsoleting mechanic?
What happened with the ship designer overhaul?
Why does it take 7 clicks to set a new rally point for a shipyard?
Why can't we declutter the main screen, with all the clouds and resources and starbases that turn into a jumble of icons?
Why do I have to change the govern settings to meet my preference for EVERY planet I colonize or conquer? Why no global setting?
Why do I have to "manage" a planet just to see how close it is to population cap?
Why can't I see which production bonuses are at the tile, planet, race, or galaxy level?
Why can't I see if I'm about to get a mutually exclusive tech in the trade window, which would prevent me from researching one of the alternatives?
How am I supposed to know that the "+1 food" tech aplies to each planet, not each farm?
How am I supposed to know Precursor Nanites is a civilization-wide bonus, not just a planet bonus?
These are just a few of the UI weaknesses that make the game tedious. The only reason there are as many people playing this game as there are is that they've resigned to just dealing with it in hopes that it will get better. I'm tired of waiting patiently.
I strongly recommend a complete overhaul of the game UI. Get some experts in there, take the time, spend the money, and make it happen. Every window, list, button, action, tooltip, no sacred cows, use a hatchet if you have to. The longer you put this off, the more you are going to drive players away. As for me, you have the next expansion and two post-expansion patches to make this happen. After that, I'm out.