The GC3 Founder's Vault has some new files. They are just pictures, but the ones for Torians and Korx look great.
I was just about to make a thread saying the same thing. Torians look great, Korx not that much. I would have preferred the Arceans to come back, back since they were bombed to oblivion in GalCiv2 they might take a bit longer to resurface..,
Nice pics, love the Torians, but like, you, a bit less love for the Korx pic. I'll be happy to have two new races in the game soon.
poor Torians, makes me feel bad for them ... great pic...
The Korx pic is alright except the nose seems out of place. I don't recall them really having noses, or even really faces, for that matter... Am I mis-remembering them?
This is how they looked in galciv2:
Now the mouth and the nose make them look a bit like one of the minor races (such as these )
So the Korx are the other race we're getting back? I could have sworn in the last dev stream Paul said "Torian and Arcean". Probably wasn't paying enough attention.
You guys are looking at one of the few Korx left in the galaxy. They will never be a major race again.
I'll share the other major race coming soon.
Glad to hear that the torians ate coming back.
Glad to hear that the torians are coming back.
No matter how much we pester you about it?
So what role will the Korx guy play? Will he appear in the campaign? Or be an alternate leader picture for the Krynn Syndicate since the Korx are a part of it now?
So the Korx appear to have been ruined by the demon drink, spending their lives in bars if this is a hint...I mean, that and probably listening to much too much music too loudly through those headphones he/she is sporting.
So they have, in effect, become a minor race. Would be an interesting twist if they went back in time and were that minor race that looks like them, hah
I'd just like to say that the Founder's Vault has been empty for a few days now. Are we getting a refresh or has something happened to it??
I am a founder but when I go to the founders vault the page is empty/blank..
Same here. I was wondering, if there is something wrong with my browser again. But if others are seeing it too...
same here.
Strange. We're looking into it.
Thanks for fixing it/reuploading the files. The only problem now is that we lost the chronological order they were uploaded which was useful metadata!
Thank you very much for fixing it. Nice to see stuff in Founders Vault!
User Error
Looking good, but I just want to now what the expansion, COMING NEXT MONTH, is and what it entails...
pretty please?
I believe it had to be restored, so I'm not sure if that order can be restored.
Arcean alert! Nice!
I now just noticed that the Torian has a cybernetic eye. I don't think that Arcean is Lord Vega and it's good to see Jenna again.
No, he doesn't look like Lord Vega, but it's hard to say... Jenna looking good, it's good to have a variety of faces!
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