Turrets in general are stupidly powerful. They are relatively small investement when there is a chokepoint. Difference is that
PHC has no ability to lock down nodes the same way Substrate does. 5 turrets on substrate side, 3 rapid fire turrets which are dirt cheap and 2 drone launchers can deal with medium sized PHC armies easily with very little supporting army.
Sentinel turrets are effective but easily dealt with just by T1s or drone launcher. I think sentinel turret has way too much HP. Maybe reduce the cost by 25% but nerf the health to 2000 or 2500 hp.
PHC has the sentinel turret which is very powerfull versus T2 units but fires very slow and costs very much and excels only in quite large numbers. PHC smarty is useless versus anything. I remember our game where you killed my army with 2 bomber squads while those 2 of my smartys were laying fire on them constantly. You did not lose a single bomber. Smartys are equally bad against land units but they make for decent meat shields in early game and can repel small harrasing armies if backed up with some units.
!!!!!!!!!! I also remember that game on Bis where you placed couple drone launchers on your side of the mountain and denied me my 2 power nodes almost completely. There was nothing I could do about that and I was down in income big time compared to other players. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And about PHC producing T2 units without the quantum archive. PHC needs a separate building for that, and still need quantum archive quite early to keep up with population cap. Substrate has quite an advatage with needing only 1 factory to produce most of their units.
I agree that incursion is currently broken mechanic and I am puzzled to why it hasn't been already made time delayed.
I will play some games as substrate but that is the thing, I am PHC player, yet I had a lot of trouble beating painful AI for a while as PHC. With substrate I could beat them with relative ease.
In my honest opinion I think that Substrate T2s are much more powerful compared to PHC T2s. Artemis is the exception, but you need to reach a critical mass for them to become effective. Substrate units have more health and their shields are constantly recharging. Now that we will see medics nerfed they will become even more powerful versus PHC.
AND please everyone voice their opinions.