This is a bit odd, I was basically at the end game with beginners AI, and had them cornered, then I made a ton of quanta gens, and was playing around with all the extra options.
Well, all was well until I started to move into their base for the final engagement, and it would freeze (Not responding) for say 5+ mins, then come back for a <4 secs, then again freeze for a few mins, then back to seeing the screen, and round and round it goes.
CPU utilization is only at 38%, and only 1 core is pegged at 100% the rest aren't doing much.
During this the music was still playing at all times.
As I write this, it is now fully responding again.
Scratch that, it froze again... got to play this time for about 15 secs...
Doesn't look like is a memory leak, it is only using ~1.8GB according to task manager, with 30% CPU.. wait, it is back again... and this time all is well, I killed their base.
I saved the skirmish game when I had control (after one of the freezes, but again, it froze soon after that), dunno if it will be of any use though, also have the auto-saves available if you guys need those.
No idea if this is of help... it is the RunLog.txt file.