i have gathered some Bugs and Ideas.
Sorry if i double Post something.
1: Unit Healt after upgrading hitpoints via Quanta in still on the stock level. eg. Dreadnought comes out of the Factory with 8000/53000 healt.
2: Unit "bumping": if theres a lot of Units on some Ralley point they Bump each other in the Sky or half the Screen to the side rather than stay away from each other.
These masssive Unit stacks are also disapearing and apearing periodicly.
3: Selecting massive stack of units only selects a bunch not all of them.
I can make/add Youtube Videos if something is not understandable.
1: Select default Sound Device in Options Menue.
2: Selecting two or more Factorys and press the unit build button one sould begin building one unit in every marked factory.
also when you mark two ore more factorys and hit "loop build" all factorys should set, not only one.
3: Building things in a "row" when selecting a building and holding down the mouse key i would be nice to drag a line of buildings.