Seems like a solid opener for low to mid level play, higher play, you're gonna need to mix in some statics and more armories(maybe a nother factory to get more medics or skip brutes/archers if just using one) although all strategies depend on map.
As far as SS going early air, the punisher is a little op, it's too cheap radio wise compared to hades, and hades is largely ineffective price wise, it costs too much radio and isn't very good in it's role. It's highly ineffective, largely due to inaccuracies hitting move targets. I think if we swapped the radio costs on them they'd be fine.
As far as dominator rush, the fury is just as easy to get out, and it costs less radio, dominators cost more radio than punishers, which doesn't make very much sense to me. But it's easy to counter with constables or furies. Early scouting is currently not really an option, so just always plan for an early fury/dominator. Personally I'd recommend just always pumping out a fury or dominator. Sky cleansers are largely useless unless you build enough of them, the other guy can just go around them. Constables do a good job stopping fury/dominator/hades but suck against punisher, so be sure to upgrade them asap if you suspect a punisher.