Thanks for the detailed answer.
"Min Firing Range (meters)" in SteeringModuleTemplates is what I need exactly.
I've made a script that go through data files and adjust "Min Firing Range (meters)" for units with range > 500 and set it equal of best weapon range of current unit.
Results seems . . . promising.
Quoting GeneralsGentlemen,
but when you do that, the Artemis will automatically back away from enemy units, so it practically becomes impossible to kill with anything other than air units. This was the case before with the Chronus and it was quite frustrating so we lowered it.
I agree, but I'm trying to find another way to deal with ranged units that steer backwards.
One of them - lower speed of ranged units. So I have next questions
1) Which parameter is responsible for speed?
Here is "Projectile Speed (m/s)" but numbers are quite frustrating. 3000 for land units and 6000 for air units.
2) What indicates that it is air unit?
I found "Firing Arc Turn Rate (rad/Secs)" is Pi*2 for air (6.283185307) and Pi for land units. But I expected something like flag "Is Air" or (and) Flying Height.