Very recently, I watched a Stardock video with one of the Ashes devs explaining that it is very difficult to program unit AI.
As it happens, I actually came across something highly relevant today.
And I want to share.
I believe the folks who participate in this forum will find it REALLY interesting (incl. players of ashes, devs, maybe even stardock execs).
What I found is a game called Gladiabots, and it is really quite amazing.
The long and short of it is that the game requires you to program unit AIs.
For the first 20 minutes it seems simple, and then as you progress into the higher levels of the tutorial, you realize the AIs are gonig to become quite sophisticated. It's impressive.
It uses a fairly clever visual programming language with a terrific UI (outstanding UX).
It's a new title (was announced on steam two days ago), and even though steam isn't selling it yet, it is available through itch, and on mobile, through Play. Possibly iStore too, not sure.
Please note that I definitely wouldn't normally use one game's forum to call attention to another (is generally in bad taste), but I hope everyone forgives me on this one occasion, because I feel this is for a good, very much instructive cause.
So after you get over the aggravation of me doing this, go check it out.
Play the tutorial all the way through, and then head for the first chapter of the campaign.
I'll bet anyone who does this learns something interesting about unit AI.
I know I did.
The link for Steam is:
Anyhow, kudos to the developer of Gladiabots. It's probably one of the most innovative applications I have seen in a really long time.