1) Drone Hive backpedaling brings them far from harm's way, making them less likely to be targeted. For the same reason, it happens that they are the least t2 units remaining after trading blows with an AI army. It looks weird sometimes - dreadnoughts soaking all the damage while hives are free to make whatever they please.
2) I know it's pure subjective, but I noticed that latest released units are unrelated to their faction design-wise. I mean, circle-shaped engines are lacking in substrate most recent additions (i.e.: masochist, orbital jammer and so on) and hera is totally different from other phc ships as well. This is extremely evident with Agamennon, which seems to belong to another race.
3) Air units are extremely weak against decently defended bases. They should be able to survive longer (maybe we'll need tolower their dps accordingly); at the moment they drop like flies after few seconds of engagement.
4) Crystal maps are literally killing my scrolling smoothness. I don't know if it is a known issues or there's a workaround for this already.
5) Move/Attack an army prevents all second/third line units to engage the enemy line. They will stand back and won't contribute to attack the enemy, making static defenses more efficient. It looks like that they still try to mantain their relative position inside the army (columns/rows). That's even worse when you try to pull back or retreat: you'll need to wait for the entire army to rotate before they will go elsewhere.