New Patch
This month we have been at work on some re-balancing, graphical improvements, and minor bug fixes in the v2.93 patch for Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation. This patch is still a work in progress and we are keeping it in the oven until we think it is ready.
The Patch notes (not exhaustive of all changes) can be found here when we update the opt-in: https://forums.ashesofthesingularity.com/500042
Our regular community games often include having this opt-in enabled so we can test out some of the new changes and ensure it is not causing unforeseen issues for players.
Fan Art
We got some amazing fan-art from Lord Raven on the Ashes discord server.
Also available to share via our twitter: https://twitter.com/ashesgame/status/1294183391924031493
The Wiki
Finally we have begun work on updating the Ashes wiki. It is still early on as we figure out how we want the layout and presentation to work. Expect updated stats, lore and more as we work on it in the coming weeks!