I have created some new Maps, they are designed to play with friends against the PC.
You can download the Map-Pack as Zip directly from my server.
you will love these maps !
The Players will always start at the Bottom, the maps are designed to play against Insane Enemies at the Top (place them all in the same Team), and you can use optional weak PCs in the middle to protect you for the first wave, place them in no Team.
Players should all be in the same Team.
Every Player must download the Same Maps, place them in the Maps-Folder of your Game, default path is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ashes of the Singularity Escalation\Assets\Maps
If everyone has the Maps, you can use them in Multiplayer mode.
in the Map Pack are these Maps:
- DenizVolcanic 2vsPS
- DenizVolcanic 4vsPC
- DenizLabyrinth 6vsPC
the download Link is:
(if your Browser does not work, Firefox or Chrome does not work, they dont support the FTP Server behind my firewall, Internet Explorer works, but even better use FileZilla FTP client) - host: server.denizesen.ch / username: ashes / password: singularity123
If i make more Maps, you can browse that directory with an FTP-Client and you will find them also...