I think that an option to employ the view, as I believe was implented in GC3, covers all bases nicely. I have stated I don't think I would like a battle viewer, as it seems like fluff to me --- since only the result is important for determining how to best build a fleet. However, it certainly could be implemented as an option for each battle and I wouldn't object to that. I.E. I don't think Stardock is going to offend people by putting it in, but as this discussion shows, there would be people that would react negatively to its absence.
That said, if a viewer is implemented, I think it should be with one eye on an eventual dlc, perhaps, that drastically improves tactical choice during key battles, with perhaps a pause button. There is a bit of tactical stuff as it stands with 77B. One can think about using missile boats to stand off and attack at distance and meleeing with gunboats and beamers. Against hordes of pirates/monsters, if you have a strong stack with missile boats you can sometimes get two kills in one turn. Might be better to break up the stack to attack many pirates at once, but just saying, even this one ability creates tactical opportunities. There may be an opportunity here. (That's what Lee is supposed to have said just before Gettysburg. Oh well didn't work out that way.)