Why would I need the "ok" from my state government to be able to drive in the first place? You only need a "license" because someone else says you do and that "someone else" has the power to have you arrested if you don't do things "their way". Rediculous....
Because, a car is a lethal weapon, and anyone who thinks otherwise is either a complete and utter moron, or has never seen a 'minor' accident. Actually, I'll go with the first. A ton or more of metal, designed to reach speeds of over sixty miles per hour, does a hell of a lot of damage to anything. While I don't know of any actual tests, I'm willing to bet that a car driven at 60 MPH into a tank will destroy the tank quite handily, assuming the tank lets it hit.
Cars are extremely dangerous, even with all the rules and regulations in place to try and reduce that. I can't emphasize that enough. A 30MPH collision has enough energy to kill four or five people, despite being a blunt force approach.
Why is the drinking age 21 while everything else is at 18? At 18 you can be forcibly Drafted into the Military and shipped off to a hell hole where you'll most likely get your head blown off, but no, you're not old enough to walk into a bar and get drunk, sorry.
Actually, originally everything except the draft age was 21. That got dropped because of the argument 'if they're old enough to die for their country...' and the alcohol age hasn't caught up. And given the stupidity college students get into every year, I'd be temped to raise the alcohol age, not lower it!