I played my first match with v0.62. I really like this patch over the previous one. I played the new map. One thing that I noticed is that it does not show you where the start points are. I noticed that it showed me where I would start in other maps but not the new one.
One request that I have is that if you select a object to be built that you could just hold the mouse down and drag it. So if I wanted to make 3 land factories that I could do this easily. Or I want to put down a bunch of defenses. This did not seem to work for me.
I also did not notice any of my commands not being followed. If I told an engineer to go some where it showed up. Not like in the past when I go back and look and my engineer is still sit at its base. I think the issue before is if I zoomed in and out to much that it lost focus of what unit I had selected last.
I wish that we could zoom out more, because I rather zoom in and out to get to my location then to drag on the map to move. When you have to zoom in and out a few times to get focus on a piece of a map is very frustrating to me. If this won't happen then I guess, I will just have to get use to moving around differently. Kind of hard to teach this old dog new tricks.
I wish that I had a better idea of what each AI would do. It look like the beginning AI just sits in its base for the most part. It would be nice to know what the difference is between each one and how much it cheats. I know in FA that one of the AI's would only hold 2 bases outside of the main one. If there is something like this with the AI in this game that would be helpful.
For me, it is hard to focus on more then 2 or 3 areas at a time, most with me being limited in moving around the map. I also need to play around with putting units into a group and just controlling the group. I might be micro managing to much. When you put units into a group, the AI is to take over right? This is a big advantage over other games. I really need to play with this more.
Hopefully if someone reads to this point, could someone tell me how to get a dreadnought to a higher level? I have seen the AI have theirs at level 3 but mine are always at level 1. I'm not sure how to upgrade them or how to go about doing this. What's the secrete?