Good stuff.
The AIs from 0.70 until 0.90 will be pretty in flux as we're starting to add in them supporting other features including other personalities. Some AI personalities will attack your base directly. Others will try to capture and turtle, others will try to assassinate your infrastructure. 0.71 has the early beginnings of this but we have many months ahead of us.
One interesting challenge will be to determine regions that are safe to build forward bases. The beginnings of this are already in (it will build in its base and then tag 1 other region for production, eventually this will be expanded on to tag other regions for production).
Thanks for the reply, a lot of people have viewed this video. I am glad that you took the time to give us some insight into what the AI will be up to in later builds. I hope that you allow the player to pick what type of AI (Turtle, attack, ground only, air only) to choose. If you think about that now it might be easier then trying to add it in later.
I just wish that I could find free recording software other then Nvidia shadowplay. I can't boost my mic so sometimes you can hear me talk. Oh well. So much for using free stuff.