I am getting something together to compile all the data on all the units once the final balancing is done before release, and I had a couple of questions. This is kind of half and half technical and timing.
First of all, as the official release date approaches, how final are the unit statistics? Are there going to be drastic changes on the day of release, or are all the final balance changes going to be set before then? I ask because I want to put out some materials on unit usage/effectivenes, and there is no point if things will be changing substantially within the next week or so.
Secondly, on the unit statistics, the Wiki is desperately out of date and inadequate. I am having a bit of a time understanding how the stats are listed in game. On some of the ships, there are multiple guns and sometimes the added up DPS doesn't make sense. For example ---
On the Zeus, there is a 54 dps main cannon, and a pair of secondary cannons listed as 6 dps. Is that per small gun for a total of 12, or 3 apiece?
On the Artemis, there is a 42 dps and 8 dps round. I understand the AOE difference, but that is a HUGE dps difference. Are there multiple shells in a barrage with 8 dps for each connecting shell?
On the Apollo, there is a 62 dps flak cannon, and then a quad weapon listed as 26 dps. Is that 26 per or 26 total?
Thanks for any help you can offer, I am just trying to wrap my head around the terminology used here
No need for exact descriptions of every unit, I can figure it out if at least one of the above is explained.
Also, is there going to be a detailed unit database at some point?