True there is balance problems and things to be fixed, but be reasonable and give things a bit thought and time.
As you say the athena shoulde been nerfed with the mauler i agree on that,(even the al is using that to destroy buildings very quickly) but it might be other reasons behind that like time and priority ? we are in the dark of what is been worked on until some patch or the roadmap tells us something.
as for the destructors 5-6 to take out an sentinel is indeed a long time (some adjusments needs to be done, maybe make the destructors a bit more like a 2.5 unit) but the phc has the advantege with the best defences in the game at the moment and its their faction trait durability/longlivity.
if the opponent invested into something he shall reap the benefits of it not to mention from the video i saw on your channel, you were very careless sending a lot of tier 2 units into that place.
(this is something you can work on from your side to see if the gamplay can change a bit from your side, however i agree on how the destructors are at the moment, since its the only anti building unit the subs do have at the moment.)
lately i wish the air scout dint have any weapons on it and were a bit more durable also their flight behavior is a bit strange and slow in comparison to the other earliers versions of the game. (a few adjustments buffs woulde be nice to boost the basic spec of it so it can perform the role a bit better)
(the air units are behaving strange again in general few adjustments there woulde been nice)