my main game is SC II. Im really into E-sports. I play SC II everey day. Im in high Diamond and try to get into masters. I play RTS game for over 20 years (im 35). I play some campaigns but my main focus is on pvp multiplayer. This brings me to ashes. I will support your game because i like to play ashes casually in pvp multiplayer (Starcraft is really stressfull in a positive way but i also need a game where i can play more relaxed with my friends).
I can tell you some things that may help you in development for this game (ist great that you support it longtime).
Since i play RTS games there were many games released but most of them are garbage. One of the most overrated games is comand and conquer. It had never Balance and the campaign was mediocre. When it comes to RTS games the best developper is Blizzard and Gas powered games with Supreme comander thats it.
So here is my list of the best rts games.
1. Starcraft broodwar and Starcraft 2 (best rts games ever in terms of Balance and PVP)
2. Warcraft 3 (Really microintensive rts with a hero mechanic quite unique game and it was really fun to play)
3. Supreme Commander (Really great rts which focuses more on macro games and with epic battles like the earlier total annihalation)
4. Z steel soldiers (The only RTS with only one race but with interesting gameplay in pvp)
4. Age of Empires 2 (Ist not my Cup of tea but many people like this game)
Everey other game in the RTS genre was garbage. And i mean really garbage.
I really like what you are doing with Ashes. Just make it like supreme commander and your fine. We didnt had a game like this for a long time. But pls the most important part is the gameplay (and replays). Nothing else.
You know why games like Planetary annihalation failed? It is because the gameplay is garbage. You cant bring an RTS on the market that looks awful and with only one race..... We are in 2016! I didnt support PA because i saw the gameplay and i knew that this game would be a complete disaster!
Ashes got really improved with your first addon. Thats great. But there is still a long way to go. Here are the most important things we need for the game:
1. T 4 Units: This was one of the most fun parts in supreme commander. I know that you will add them. But pls make them big and epic. And really individual.
2. More structures:We still need more defensive buildings. Give us a shield generator and T4 buildngs like heavy artillerey. Also give us nukes and anti nuke weapons.
3. A third race: I know that you want more races in this game but pls balance them correctly and dont rush them out. First make the 2 existent races fun to play (they are fun to play but pls improve them). Than you can bring a third race to the Party
4. Make more specialised Units: I mean for T 3. Give us cloaked units and detection Units. Give us units to harrass the economey (I love worker harrasment in SC II one of the most fun parts in an RTS). I mean it should be possible to have units which really hurt the economey from the enemy.
5. Navy Units: Ist nice that you want to add them. I think you can keep it simple here. Give us submarines, destroyers, battleships and perhaps aircraft carriers and curisers for anti air. Subs and destroyers can be Tier 1. Cruisers Tier 2. And Battleships and carrieres Tier 3. If you want you can give us a Tier 4 super Sea unit (one for each race). Also you could give us a flying Torpedobomber (just look at supreme commander there are really cool navy units).
6. Troop Transport and Infantry. Pls Add some Basic infantry Units (Tier 1-3) which can be droped in the enemey base. This adds much to the gamplay and makes the game more strategic....
7. Ranked games and leagues: Just look at the Ranking System from SC II its perfect you can copy it. If i play pvp i want a motivating ranking System.
This are my thoughts about your game. I love what you are doing and i will buy everey DLC and Expansion for this game. I will tell my friends about this game so that you will sell more copies. You really did good work, but pls never forget that the most important part is the gameplay and nothing else. Thx for this game.