I'm OK with some of the Dreadnoughts leading the armies, but some of them don't do well in the lead position, specifically the Overmind, Nest of the Queen & Leonidas (Cronus too, but I believe it kept its rearward position?). They attract way too much damage (especially since most heavy weapons prioritize T4/T3 units), and have enough range to be perfectly effective from the rear position.
Also, the units that default to the rear of the army (Caregivers, Mobile Nullifiers, etc.) used to make sense, but now create some annoying gaps, with the T3/T4 taking the lead. They should be behind the T3/T4 if present, but if they are behind the army that is behind the T3/T4, they are sometimes out of range to serve their purpose. Especially the mobile nullifiers, with their recently shortened range, they can be at the back of an army such that the T3/T4 leading can still be directly targeted by orbital abilities (Nanite Assassination, Anti-matter/Orbital Strikes, Plasma Clouds) which subject the leader to a lot of damage and the units immediately following it can be wiped out, which then makes the support far at the back useless.
I realize that setting formations dependent on the group composition may not be easy to add into the existing framework, but I'd rather it be biased in favour of protecting the investment put into the T3/T4 units. Hopefully you find that to be worth consideration
The rest of the balancing changes make sense, glad to see the support this game still gets. We only criticise because we care