Hello All.
I have about a month invested in this game now, and I have discovered that I prefer to play as Substrate over PHC. I would like to discuss the various units and give my opinion and get feedback from others if you can.
Martyr - Only use at the very early game because they are cheap. Once you have a decent economy they are replaced by anything else.
Reaper - one of the best units in the game. Very versatile, fast moving unit that can 1 vs 1 beat any other frigate and groups of them can take down all cruisers easily except for the Zeus. They seem to have a slight nerf in the 2.6 patch (They used to annihilate dreadnaughts so they were a bit overpowered I guess), but still a phenomenal unit.
Capacitor - Obvious use as support to restore energy
Sky Cleanser - Excellent defense against the PHC T2 Bombers. 6 Sky cleaners is enough to defend against the big bomber.
Avenger - I have never found a use for them. They die much too quickly and Reapers & Drone Hives are better against frigates anyways.
Mauler - These are situational. They are incredible against Artemis because the can close in on them fast, but not much use against anything else.
Destructor - These are devastating against base defenses. I actually prefer these over the Artemis. They need protecting, however, because they are pretty weak on defense.
Drone Hive - You can build these pretty early on and they are awesome. They are good at capturing and holding nodes because drones are amazing.
Eradicator - These are something to waste money on if you have a huge economy, other than that they are too expensive and take too long to build compared to their usefulness. I guess they were supposed to be anti-dreadnaught cruisers, but they don't do a very good job of it. They are decent vs base defenses because of their long range and high damage cannon, but they don't perform well when grouped into a mixed unit army (they don't seem to know what range to stay at).
Masochist - Situational unit. Their best used as a defensive wall to protect your destructors when attacking.
Caregiver - I hardly use them because I build base regenerators. I can't justify a support unit that is weak on defense and has no attack when I can spend the resources on something else.
Mobile Nullifier - Critical if you are playing games with full orbitals turned on. So critical that I usually have an assembly constantly pumping them out exclusively.
Dominator - Best fighter in the game. Best used for nexus defense and harassment when attacking an enemy nexus. Make great fodder for air defenses to protect your other air units.
Punisher - T1 bomber that is only useful in massive numbers. Then they are devastating. Otherwise they are very weak.
Air Rampager - Not as good as the PHC version, but useful to have until you can build Harbingers
Air Harbinger - Most devastating unit in the whole game. These things are slow, but faster than the PHC t2 bomber. They have a decent defense and a ridiculously strong single target attack. They are like little flying deathstars. a group of 10 or more, accompanied by some Dominators, can destroy any base. They are also the best things you can have to destroy Dreadnoughts
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