In 1.7, Colonization events have stopped occurring for many people after they have colonized 30+ worlds. Stardock is aware of the bug, but the fix for it either didn't make it into 1.7.1 or it hasn't fully been fixed yet.
But until Stardock releases the fix, some players are still reporting that they are limited to 30 non-precursor world events. This mod sorta kinda fixes this bug in a very kludgy way. After playing the brand new mod by Horemvore that added colonization events (go check it out, BTW) I found out that if there are more colonization events in the game, the no colonization bug will not appear until those new events are exhausted.
So what I did is simply copy the base 30 colonization events 10 times, internally renamed those events to EVENT1, EVENT2, EVENT3 and so on (while keeping the display names the same) and then stuck the extra colonization events into a separate xml file called ColonizationKludge.xml.
The upshot of all of this is that this mod/kludge will allow a player to colonize 330 non-precursor world non-home system world planets before exhausting the list of available events. Even better, some events will seem to repeat before all base 30 events have occurred once, as the game used to do in earlier versions. This is because, technically, Event Version Number 5 of an event might randomly come up and then Event Version Number 8 of the same event might later come up. That is, they are still unique, but since there are 11 versions of each event, it is easily possible to get repeats.
This mod/kludge fix is mostly compatible with the newly released Colonization Events mod by Horemvore. I say mostly because his new events will be "drowned out" by all of the repeating ones, though they will still appear. Just far less frequently. Also, his new backgrounds for some of the base events will usually not appear unless the base version of the event is triggered (opposed to one of the ten copies). Still, I'm calling this a kludge for a reason. 
Here is the link to this mod/fix:
To install it, simply unzip the zipped file and put the folder generated into your GalCiv3\Mods folder and make sure you mods are enable in your game.
This is simply being released for those who have been annoyed by the current bug and want to have more than 30 colonation events. 
REMINDER: FOR THIS TO TAKE EFFECT, A NEW GAME MUST BE CREATED! This is because many/most xml changes aren't hotfixed when a save game is loaded.
I have done some small testing on this mod and had over 60 colonization events, with some repeating, and it looks stable. If anyone finds any errors, let me know about them and I'll try to fix them ASAP.